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WordForm WordPress Plugin ( FAQS )

You will see the 'WordForm' admin menu and you can start creating your forms and attach your forms with your pages/posts by easy integrate options to show it to your website users.

After embedding your created forms with pages/posts they can immediately start submitting forms. Your Posts / Pages should be published to access them from website users.

Yes you can add upload input field when you build your Forms. You will have option to allow upload file types like docs, pdf, images, audio, video etc. just by check or uncheck next to file types.

Yes, You can easily limit each upload file size including all uploaded files size limit togehter through settings menu 'Upload' Tab.

Yes you can protect your Forms from spamming, protect your Forms from fraud and abuse without creating friction. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities.

Yes, you can easily customize Submit button size, look ( color, on hover color, button font sizes, font weight etc.) through admin dashboard.

Yes, you can change / edit any validation message to show to your users as you want. You can easily customize through your admin dashboard. Better not to keep empty the validation message fields, so users can understand easily if they do mistake to enter or skip any required field data. Validation messages better to keep them short in length so users read and understand easily to correct the input data.

You can check all your users submission data through your admin dashboard 'Submission Data' menu where you all forms submission data will be shown. If you enable the Send Email option then you will also receive submission data in your Inbox.

Yes, you can also receive your users submission data in your mail inbox. You just need to enable it by check / tick the box through your admin dashboard settings menu.

You can easily embed your any created form with your Post / Page using 'WordForm' block through Block inserter. When you select the 'WordForm' block in your Post / Page editor then all created forms will be shown in a dropdown list, just select the one you want to embed with your Post / Page. So better enter each form name during creating your form, so you can understand easier way which form you want to integrate from the dropdown list. You can also click 'WordForm->All Forms' menu to show your all created forms, you can just click the 'Attach to Post or Page' option to attach your chosen from easier way with your new Post / Page. You can also use shortcode from 'WordForm->All Forms' menu page to add as shortcode with your Post / Page. Finally just Publish the Post / Page.

You can preview & test or delete any created form through admin dashboard WordForm->All Forms menu easily. If you delete any form then all related data like users submission data of that form will also be deleted permanently. Also if that form is attached with any Post / Page also be removed.

Yes, you can edit all your created forms easily anytime. All edited / updated forms will be also updated in your embedded posts / pages automatically without doing any other changes anywhere.